Friday, October 3, 2008


Sorry I haven't posted in a little while. My camera broke so I had to buy a new one today. And I don't have much to say, I just wanted to show a few pictures of Madison in her pigtails! After her nap, she was just sitting in my lap relaxing, so I knew it was a perfect time for her to let me experiment with her hair. She looks so old with the pigtails and so cute! Oh, and don't mind her messy face...we just had a snack and that's the most she would let me wipe off without me having to pin her to the ground. :)


Kasey said...

She is so cute. I love it!

Anonymous said...


Liz said...

Cute! But I'm wondering what kind of camera you ended up buying? Crazy camera girl here, sorry!

Liz 2farapart