Monday, August 25, 2008

Family photos

We didn't do anything exciting this past weekend, just hung around and had fun together as a family.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Playing in the rain

We let Madison play in the rain for the first time last night. She LOVED it. She would scream and laugh and try to run (she can only walk fast at this point). She really liked trying to grab the water that was draining out of the gutter.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Okie Derby

We spent part of the weekend at the Okie Derby where Pa and Gary flew in Gary's airplane for the race. Madison enjoyed watching the airplanes and pretending to fly the plane with her new friends, Max and Corbin.

Playing with toys

Since it's starting to cool down and we can play outside without dying of heat stroke, we decided to buy Madison a new outdoor toy. She loves it - she has already figured out how to climb up it and slide down all by herself.

First time blogger

Ok, so I've had several friends start blogs for their families and it looked like such a good idea, that I have decided to start one for our family. So hopefully everyone will enjoy checking this blog and enjoy keeping up to date with our family. I'll try to update it at least once a week so check back often!