Well, Zander is now home and we are all doing great. It's been a crazy week!
We got the call Friday morning that the birth mother's water broke. So we pretty much waited all day till they were ready for us to come to the hospital (when she was dialated about a 6 or 7). I spent Friday rushing around cleaning the car seat, bottles, and what little clothes we had. They called us about 4:30 and she was an 8 so we rushed up there thinking we would miss it. Well, she didn't deliver till 8:30 so there was no need for us to rush. And we didn't eat dinner that night till 11:00...I was starving. :) The doctor and nurses let me stand right behind them so I saw everything, Brad cut the cord, and then they had Brad and I come over and watch him get cleaned off and stuff. We spent Saturday at the hospital and had lots of visitors. Madison did great with him. She was very happy, but then 10 seconds later, was interested in something else. Typical toddler. We took him home on Sunday and so far so good. He eats well and spends most of his time sleeping. Oh, and I've already been peed on! Sheesh...they aren't kidding about boys peeing everywhere. :)
But we are loving life and enjoying it all.
Madison is doing great with Zander. She checks on him every once in a while, but mostly just does her own thing. We are still taking her to the sitter for a few days a week just to keep up a routine and so she can also have a break and play with her friends.
Zander is great. We took him to the dr this week b/c we thought he was looking jaundice, but the dr thought he was looking great!
Congrats my friend! He is perfect!
OMG Tammy, congratulations. He is a cutie pie. I'm so happy for you and your family!
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