Sunday, December 28, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

We had a wonderful Christmas! On Christmas Eve, Madison, Brad and I went to church with my dad (mom had to work). It was a beautiful candlelight service and Madison even had a great time in the nursery playing with the other kids (the nursery helper turned out to be my old college roommate...small world!). When we got home, we read Madison "The Polar Express" and "The Night Before Christmas". Not sure if she understood, but at least we enjoyed it.

On Christmas morning, Mel came over about the time Madison woke up. When I took her out to see what Santa brought, I think she was a little shy on what was going on. But once she saw her new kitchen, she wouldn't stop playing with it! We had to drag out the other presents so she would open them up and leave the kitchen alone for a few minutes. :) She got a dollhouse, a truck and some golf clubs from mommy and daddy. Later that morning, my parents showed up and they got her a carnival ball pit and some other toys. She LOVES the ball pit. Unfortunately, mommy and daddy spend way too much time picking up balls, but it is worth it when we hear her laughter and watch her jumping around in the balls having so much fun!

That afternoon, we went over to Brian and Jackie's. Austin also had a great Christmas and he's still at the stage where he is happy playing with the wrapping paper and boxes. :) Jackie and my mom made a wonderful Christmas dinner and by that night, we were all worn out. But we had a wonderful Christmas Day spent with our family!!

The next day, Deidre (my friend since middle school) came over with her daughter Lili. Since she lives in Mississippi, we don't get to see each other very often. But we had a great time catching up and we enjoyed watching our daughters play together. Madison is only one month older than Lili. Who knew we would have girls so close in age when we were just little girls ourselves??

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas with Mel (Brad's dad)

After our drive home from Wichita, Kansas, we went over to Mel's house to have Christmas with him (and Chad and Kristen of course). By this time, Madison has definitely figured out that presents are for opening. She received some puzzles and an Elmo Live from Grandpa Mel. We had a great Christmas dinner and enjoyed spending a lazy Sunday over at Mel's new house.

Madison helping Grandpa bring in some firewood. There were some small pieces just her size.

Christmas with Renee and Terry (Brad's mom and stepdad)

After the Eck Family Christmas, we drove to Wichita, Kansas to have Christmas with Renee and Terry. Madison received a doll that can swim and her first computer. She was so excited to put the doll in the bathtub and she even laughed as it was swimming around. But when I put her in the tub with the doll, she freaked and kept saying "doll out". She did not like the doll in the tub with her. I guess we'll try swimming with the doll again at a later time.

Later that night, Brad's cousin and his family came over. Madison had a great time playing with Briley (5 years old) and Brynn (18 months old). She was sharing her toys and didn't hit any of the kids. And that's a good day in our house! :)

Madison and Nae-Nae

Chad and Kristen just laying around

Madison and Brynn

Eck Family Christmas in Kansas

Every year the Eck Family Christmas is in Sharon, Kansas in the old elementary school. There are so many aunts, uncles, and cousins that it has to be held at a gymnasium. Madison had a great time running around the gym and playing with the kids. And she loved opening her present (a doll) from her Grandpa Mel. Oh, and she is now learning names so she LOVED her Uncle Chad and kept running after him yelling "Chad" and "Tisten" for Aunt Kristen. Very cute! And yes, she can tell the twins apart. :) She knows who her daddy is and who her uncle Chad is.

Madison and her Uncle Chad

Friday, December 19, 2008


Madison's friend Jack had his second birthday party at Gymboree. We all had a great time. For those of you that don't know, Gymboree is a like a little gym for toddlers. Madison LOVED it. Once she got over her shyness, she loved running around, climbing on the jungle gym, sliding down the slide, jumping on the trampline and even eating a chocolate cupcake. Looks like we will have to look into some Gymboree classes after the holidays. (Don't mind the redeyes :))